Monday, December 18, 2006

Gripe over KTM Commuter

It always make me angry when talk about KTM in Malaysia.

This morning, I decided to take KTM again for work as I want to sleep more. So I wake up around 7:30am today and I thought of catching the 8 or 8:30pm KTM commuter to work. After taking a shower and haveing a very light breakfast, my mom brought me to the Kepong KTM station. The station was crowded. "Great!" The commuter must be late or delay again this time. "Never mind!" I kept myself calm and just bought the ticket and waited for the commuterto come.

After waiting for around 10 minutes, I could see the commuterwas coming from afar. I happily watched the commuter approaching the station and the crowd was moving towards the commuter. But when the stopping commuter passed by in front of me, I saw the passengers inside were already squeezing. Disappointed! When the door opened, I tried to get myself into the commuter and the people behind me were pushing me into the commuter. Gosh! It was uncomfortably disgusting! Thinking of squeezing all the way in the next 20 minutes scared me off. So I got out of the commuter, again need some "hard works" to do that! Then I waited for the next commuter to come.

Luckily it didn't take long to see the next commuter arrive and it was not that bad as the commuter still have some empty space to fit the remaining crowd inside. Yeah no more seat but have some empty space for us to stand at least. Well, at least it is better than the previous one. I stood in the train and wondering when will such condition improve? Are we going to endure squeezing with other people as long as we need to go to work? Now I understand why so many people rather buy a car and drive to work on their own even though they know that they need to stuck in the traffic jam. Even though they need to get up earlier (one hour or more) to spend (or waste) some times in the traffic congestion, at least they are in their own car without the need to squeeze with other people. Besides they can enjoy the music or radio they have in the car more comfortably. But for those people without car (like me), we have no choice but to squeeze with other people and pray that the condition will get better someday in the near future.

Traffic jam... KTM poor service quality... no wonder people nowadays are so frustrated! Sometimes it is not working that annoy us, but the troubles I need to get through when going to and from work that gives us headache! It gets worse when our work loads are high and I can easily got stress-up and tensed up! And I gotta say my productivity will definitely go down the hill as expected! Here you go, imagine if all the people were having the same problem/condition like me, it will be another reason why Malaysia improve so slow! "Malaysia Boleh?!" I doubt so! Not in this case.

1 comment:

-denise- said...

i'm taking bus + LRT to work today. then i'd been trapped in the traffic for more than 1 hour. bad. luckily the LRT not as bad as the KTM. still got lots of spaces while i'm in. =p