Thursday, August 03, 2006

Just My Luck

I wanted to catch the movie "Just My Luck" when I saw the movie poster. Not because it's Lindsay Lohan or the cute boy, but I really want to watch a romantic comedy. I forgot when I started to like watching those so-called "chic-flick" movies, but I find them entertaining. Yes, it's between reality and dream. Somewhat real but unreasonable at times. They're just sweet! Or is it because I am just a single guy yearning for more lovey-dovey stuff?! Craps! What am I talking about?!

Anyway, I seriously wanted to catch the show but find no one interested to watch the movie in the cinema. At that time, most of my friends or family members were more interested in watching Superman or Pirates of the Carribean. So, I followed them watch the two movies.

It's when I almost wanted to give up to catch the movie, then I finally found one of my colleague (Hui Chin) who seems like willing to accompany me to watch the movie. And she also asked another colleague, King Chung who could join us too. She was quite tired that day and had the intention to go home early. But she insisted that she could watch the movie with us. So we left the office earlier than usual.

Unfortunately, other colleagues also went back home early that day and she also wanted to go back with them as there's a colleague who could drive them home. So, I insisted that she went home and I went to work out in the fitness club nearby. I was not annoyed though. Perhaps the movie wasn't worth watching. I can always buy DVD later to watch the movie. So I gave up catching the show.

Then two days back, Wee Wern (another colleague) emailed me and asked if I am interested to catch the movie with her as she's got two free tickets for the movie. Without much hesitation, I said yes and decided to go the next day (which is yesterday).

So yesterday I was so happy in the morning because at the end of the day, I'd be leaving the office earlier and catch the movie "Just My Luck". Things turn bad when I feel I have stomach problem. I have stomach ache after I had my lunch. I thought it was just a small matter and would be ok later. Unfortunately, things get worse when it's almost 6pm.

Wee Wern called and said that we'll leave at 6:30pm. I reluctantly said OK as my stomach ache was getting worse. By 6:20pm, I couldn't endure anymore and told Wee Wern to wait me at the lobby of the building when she's done and I need another 10 minutes to settle my thing - go to toilet.

It's 6:35pm when I got out of toilet. I quickly rushed out of the office and caught the elevator to go down to ground floor. My patience was really tested when the elevator stopped at almost at every floor as people were all catching the elevator and going back home during that time. I finally reached ground floor at arounf 6:40pm++. Then we headed to KLCC to catcha the show.

I bought Twisties BBQ and ice lemon tea before we entered the cinema. And gosh when I entered the cinema, the seats were so small. And the crowd were very noisy too! Never mind! I just want to watch the show.

Everything went well at the beginning. Then when the movie was played for about 1 hour, I started to have stomach ache again. Gosh, so pain that I needed to rush to the toilet. Imagine the seat was so small and I basically have to crawl on everyone's hips besides me to get out of the row. (I was sitting right in the middle!) Anyway, I managed to get into the toilet and "solve my problem". After that, I got back into the cinema and crawled back into my seat. So embarassing!

Anyway, after the movie I had my dinner at Secret Recipe where I had cake and fresh milk. I love cakes! And fresh milks! Yummy yummy!Then we went home.

Catching this movie, I have gone through some lucky and unlucky events. Guess you know which one is lucky and which one is not.

Craps! That's Just My Luck!

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