Friday, November 24, 2006

A Sense of Victory

My sister has not been able to access to the internet for a few days. Something wrong with her network configuration and setting. I've also tried my best to help investigate the cause of the problem and have been checking the connection for a few days. And today, I finally solve the problem and sister can now access to the internet. It was the DNS Server configuration. The DNS Server address were not defined. That's why she couldn't connect to the internet.

I totally understand the feeling of not being able to access to the internet. So manything were done through internet nowadays. I wonder how my life would be without internet. I suddenly realised how much my life has got to do with internet. Download movies, songs, chatting with friend, writing blog entries, surfing internet bla bla bla. Gosh, that's what I do daily! What am I to do without internet. Life would be very boring!

Hmm... I wonder if this is a good sign. Am I depending too much on the internet?! Is it good to be attached to, or depending on the internet so much? How should I spice up my life without internet?

Spending my pastime watching movies downloaded from the internet are great. I enjoy my personal space there and of course I also enjoyed the movies/drama series. I have also downloaded lotsa mp3s. I can listen to variety of songs from classical to funky pop and sometimes I don't know what kinda of songs I really love and want to listen to. Writing blog is something interesting for me too. Even though most of the time I am lazy to write (type), but I enjoy reading my own "works". I also enjoy reading other's blog and it's interesting to see how people write about their life or their thoughts.

Many more things can be done with the internet facility. But surely there are some disadvantages if we're too hookep up with internet. A person would be more dull. Our people skill will be going down the hill. Health would be deterioting as well if spend too much time in front of the pc. And the list never end here. Internet may spice up our life, but let's not let it be our whole life!

Anyway, I am glad I managed to help my sister to get access to the internet. I felt great. I contributed. I manage to help. I am not the dumb and stupid person. It boost up my confident. I feel a sense of victory. And I am feeling good!

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