Thursday, November 30, 2006

Don't know what to write...

I typed and deleted and typed and deleted. I tried and tried to write a new entry but nothing come up. I used to write a lot. I had no problem writing anything. But now I have problem writing the thing I want to express and that really sucks! Being able to see and feel a lot of thing are good. But it is lonely. Being able to share whatever you see and feel, that's rich!

These days I tried to write something for this blog. I thought about many things that I want to write. But after typing a few sentences. I found it crappy and I delete everything. Not only did I tried to write at night before I sleep, I have also tried to type during my working hours as I thought I might be too tired at night to think or type anything. But it turns out that even during my working hours, I can't write a proper article.

So what happened actually? There are a few causes that I can think of :
1) I haven't been reading lately.
2) I seldom write anything after graduating from university.
3) I hardly talk or chit chat with anyone longer than an hour.

Yes the read, write and speak. Those three things should be exercised and practiced everyday to improve your language. And yet, I totally ignored them. Is it because I am too busy working lately? I think it has become my excuses for many things! Urgh! I hate myself when I do that!

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