Tuesday, November 21, 2006

How are you?

"How are you?"

How simple and plain it is. I could not remember I was properly taught about the phrase. What's the meaning? Why we need to ask that when we meet someone? We know how to use it, but the question is, do we mean it?

There're so many time I receive email or when I chat online, and I have to answer the question "How are you?". Normally I would just response with a "I am fine.", or to be a little more polite, I would add "Thank you! How about you?". I sometime find it awkward to be asked that question, especially by a not so close friend or a total stranger. How would I response? If I am good, well, I would just say :" I am fine." But if I am not so good? I couldn't just say I am not good, could I? I wouldn't want to share my sorrows or troubles, or problems with a stranger.

However, that simple and plain little phrase can mean so much when asked correctly and sincerely. It is a way for you to show your love and care to your friend or the one you're close to. I remember being asked that question when I was down and low by a friend. I didn't know how to response, but I felt warm. At least, I would smile to response to the sincerity and kindness.

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