Monday, July 31, 2006

One Year Anniversary (Part 1)

OK! Not marrying someone for 1 year! Not having a girlfriend for 1 year... But...

Hurray! I have been employed for 1 year. Wow, time really flies!

I still remember after I graduated, I stayed at home for about two months. In fact more than two months I guess. Doing nothing but woke up late in the afternoon, ate brunches, watched TV and slept again. That period was a disaster as I was not only unemployed, I suffered from depression and paranoia. Quite pathetic, indeed! Never mind about it! It's over!

Then after procrastinating for two months, I finally decided to look for a job and be good. There are many IT companies indeed in Malaysia. But I have no target in mind which company I want to be in. At that time, I only want to get a job and get busy! So I asked my friends (or more specifically, members in RC as those were the people I got contact with at that time).

I got to know two companies which were hiring IT programmer. First, eProtea Technologies Sdn Bhd (introduced my Merina) and also Hong Leong Bank (introduced by Rachel Ng). Without much consideration, I desperately prepared my resume and letter and sent to both companies. See! Stayed home two months really doing nothing - not even preparing resume and any letter. I still remember clearly I asked Melissa to help check my resume and letter for me. So pathetic! Shame on me, a university graduate couldn't write a proper letter and resume!

I did not have to wait long to receive response from eProtea and called me for an interview. Blurred and not very well-prepared, I groomed myself and took the LRT to the company. I forgot when was the exact date when I had the interview. But I remember Merina did chanted a lot for me and assisted me in any possible ways.

When I got into the company, the first person I met was the Administrative Manager, Sim. She gave me a form to fill in and a "examination" to complete. Gosh, I spent more than an hour to finish the paper. Then I was interviewed by Mr. Ho. Most of the questions asked were expected. :p (Oops! Guess I should say I was well-prepared?!) Then, he asked me to create a function using any language (either C or JAVA) to compute x power of y. I think I did it correctly.

Then, I was interviewed by Mr. Yeoh who is currently my boss when we talked about jobs in the company, salary and et cetera. I was almost sure I was gonna get the job. And I did! After a few days, I attended another interview in Hong Leong Bank which I can hardly remember. The only thing I remember is that they have this IQ test and writting essay. That's interesting!

So that was one year ago... I started working in eProtea MSC Sdn. Bhd. on 1st August 2005.

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