Friday, December 08, 2006

Lunch ~ Dialogue

We had a normal lunch today. But what it so special was two colleagues (who don't usually join us) joined us to have lunch together. They are Nicholas and Audrey. Nicholas has been working in the company for nine months already while Audrey is just working here for about a week. Both of them working in same team (while we are working in another team) under Merina. Today, they joined us for lunch.

It's good that I have the chance to speak to them and to know them better. Sometimes it's so bad of us to just leave both of them having lunch on their own. We should have lunch together. The more the merrier. Besides, dialogue is good. Create better understanding and prevent misunderstanding. Bla bla bla... Moreover, Ikeda Sensei has wanted us to become the dialogue expert. Dialogue is so important that it is one of the way to attain world peace. Hmm... Guess it is time for me to brush up my speaking skill and people skill now.

"Buddhism teaches that 'the voice does the Buddha’s work' (cf. OTT, 4). Our voice is important. We should speak in a way that reaches people’s hearts. And whatever we say should be accurate, true, and to the point. Mr. Toda was adamant about this." ~ Daisaku Ikeda

Anyway, I enjoyed having conversation with them. Since they are english-educated (or they were just speaking english to me), I finally found someone that can speak english with me in this company. I think I only speak english with Merina and Sim (Ms. Poh). Since I hardly have the chance to speak with them, so I normally speak mandarin or cantonese with other colleagues. That's why my english is getting worse. That's not good! Anyway, now I have Nicholas and Audrey to speak english with me... Hahahaha... crazy fella!

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